Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What is the Angle of Madville Times?

To the readers of Madville Times, have you ever wondered "Why?"  How and why does Cory Heidelberg decide what to formulate his opinionated blog posts of the Madville Times about?  I am not going to hide from the fact that I brought this issue to light with Mr. Heidelberg and received no information on the matter.  He would not talk to me unless I provided him with my full name and social security number (I am joking about the SSN part).  My issue with the blog is Mr. Heidelberg's attacks on Dr. Annette Bosworth.  I am no avid Bosworth supporter by any means and would consider myself a Democrat (as would the state because that is how I am registered) but I do read the political blogs now and then.  When I am looking for a good chuckle I read the comments.  That is where my problem with Madville Times has come from.  It was brought to my attention that Mr. Heidelberg has family working in the Bosworth camp, and no distant relative either.  Cory Heidelberg's sister works for Bosworth. This made me think, "why would someone go after their sister's employer so violently while making snide, backhanded remarks at their sister.  I know if I had a sister, brother, or cat I wouldn't do so much."  After doing a little research (which did not exactly take a private investigator),  I came to find out that Mr. Heidelberg and his sister are in a feud and estranged.  It is unfair for me or anyone else to pass judgement on a feuding family without further information on why, but it is not so impolite to wonder if this feud is the whole purpose of Madville Times?  If Mr. Heidelberg uses his blog to try to humiliate, defame, and embarrass anyone associated with his sister who is to say that it is not the reason for all of his articles?  By trying to manipulate true events to gain personally from them destroys all of Mr. Heidelberg's credibility.  Madville Times is just a medium to get back at people Mr. Heidelberg has issue with.  So why bother continuing to read?  It is becoming painfully obvious that Mr. Heidelberg has gotten a little too power hungry behind the safety of his keyboard which is why I have chosen him for the first segment of Checks and Balances.  

My plea to Cory Heidelberg is: If you are going to pretend to be sharing the news when in reality it is cleverly disguised opinions, do not lead your readers using your own personal vendettas.  

To quote The Simpsons, "This is the least amount of power I have ever seen go to someones head."


1 comment:

  1. This is a fantasy blog created by Chad Haber, husband of Senate candidate Annette Bosworth.

    I hope you realize, Chad, that blogs and campaigns that are all about one person and not about real issues tend to go nowhere. What else have you got?
